With an increasing number of financial institutions engaging in the wealth and assets management, and the financial sector enters a new era of overall competition. Our wealth and assets management team has profound and pragmatic understanding of the financial supervising system in China and is experienced in advising many domestic and international financial transactions. Our clients include numerous strong commercial banks, securities companies, trusts companies and well-known funds, and we have established and maintained good working relation with the supervising and administrating authorities to provide our domestic and overseas clients with outstanding and innovative legal services.

Designing structure, scheme and transaction procedures for clients regarding their financial products and providing legal opinions on issues including tax, foreign exchanges.

Conducting legal due diligence and risk evaluation to trading counter-parties.

Assisting clients in their negotiations.

Drafting and reviewing relevant legal documents.

Issuing legal opinions.

Assisting clients to implement relevant regulations and follow up product management.

Assisting clients to introduce investors upon issuance of various types of products, require counter-parties to restructure and optimize their governance structure subject to relevant regulations.

Any other legal issues relating to financial products.