Our team endeavors to provide exceptional anti-trust legal services to our clients by virtue of our solid strengths and extensive experience accumulated in providing legal services to a large number of companies in various sectors. We can assist our clients in addressing anti-trust issues in M&A transactions as well as representing them in anti-trust investigations.

Our services include:

Assessing the legal risks related to anti-trust and unfair competition involved in M&A transactions

Assisting clients in making concentration of undertakings declarations to the Anti-trust Bureau, and communicating and coordinating with the Anti-trust Bureau on behalf of the clients to cooperate with the review

Analyzing and evaluating the laws and regulations of anti-trust and anti-unfair competition for clients regarding their business operation models and the terms of business agreements/contracts

Representing clients in anti-trust and competition law litigations

Assisting clients in responding to or initiating various administrative proceedings in the area of anti-trust and unfair competition, as well as assisting clients in reducing or eliminating the risk of potential administrative penalties

Assessing on and making filing of the mergers involving multiple jurisdictions